Parasoft dotTEST 9.0

Parasoft dotTEST 9.0

It is an integrated solution for automating a broad range of best practices
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Parasoft dotTEST is an integrated solution for automating a broad range of best practices proven to improve software development team productivity and software quality. dotTEST facilitates:
- Static analysis—static code analysis, data flow static analysis, and metrics analysis
- Peer code review process automation—preparation, notification, and tracking
- Unit testing—unit test creation, execution, optimization, and maintenance
- Plugin testing—sets up the actual application execution environment and launches tests from it

This provides teams a practical way to prevent, expose, and correct errors in order to ensure that their .NET code (including C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET and Managed C++ ) works as expected. To promote rapid remediation, each problem detected is prioritized based on configurable severity assignments, automatically assigned to the developer who wrote the related code, and distributed to his or her IDE with direct links to the problematic code and a description of how to fix it.

Parasoft's customers, including 58% of the Fortune 500, rely on dotTEST for:
- Preventing errors that compromise security, reliability, and performance
- Complying with internal or regulatory quality initiatives
- Ensuring consistency across large teams
- Increasing productivity by automating tedious yet beneficial development practices
- Successfully implementing popular development methods like TDD, Agile, and XP



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